
I can only recommend any kind of collaboration with Helena! My dog and I have been coming to her lessons since puppy age for several years and I wouldn't do otherwise. I'm very demanding of the quality of the trainer as a fellow in the field. Her positive approach, full of innovative highlights and genuine interest in improvement of her clients, has helped us to develop not only in individual work with the dog, but also on a professional level. Whether it's individual lessons, courses, Puller, Hersenwerk, etc., everything will be guaranteed to be worth it. As a big plus, I also take the unceasing wilingness for education. Plus, my furry friend loves her!
Michaela and Shira
Owner of Dogparku

My dog and I have attended individual and group lessons with Helena and I'm sure she's a big part of how well I live with my dog. I especially appreciate her openness, kindness, sincerity and that she is always looking for a way that is suitable for both the dog and the owner! She taught me how to communicate with my dog, understand her and be supportive. Plus, I know Helena is "still watching our backs." We also participate in group lessons with Petra, so I can stop worrying about other people's dogs. Petra is a great observer and she is wonderful at passing on her knowledge. She can cheer up, give courage and praise nicely too! I am genuinely pleased with the combination of such high-quality female trainers. Thanks to them, not only my dog Vilma, but also I live happily.
Kristýna and Vilma
happy dog owner

I was at Hersenwerk workshop with my six-year-old dog Shiba-inu named Kira. She doesn't get on very well with other canine friends, but everything was managed in such a way that she didn't have to interact with other dogs at the workshop at all. So she felt comfortable and completely engaged in the puzzles. Kira is very skillful and bright, and a quick learner. We had so much fun, and now at home we have straws in a lavatory, crumpled papers in a box, or rolling up a towel. Especially the attitude of the trainer was very accommodating, she also attended to each dog separately and she could explain everything clearly and gave expamples. I certainly recommend Helena to anyone who already has a dog or has just acquired one. If anyone understands "dog's language" it's her.
Jana and Kira
happy dog owner

Chodíme na individuální výcvik k trenérce Petře Šatopletové s našim štěnětem anglického buldoka Wiky z chovné stanice Jasmínové nebe. Už je to náš pátý anglický buldok, a způsob, jakým přistupuje trenérka Petra k výcviku je vynikající: je laskavá, má obrovské znalosti a zkušenosti a rozumí psům a jejich duši přímo excelentně. Wiky ji má moc ráda a práce s Petrou ji velice baví. K nám, majitelům psa, má Petra velmi vstřícné chování, so the lesson are a joy of us too.
Zuzana and Wiky
happy dog owner

Petra really understands dogs and lessons with her are priceless. She can explain how to communicate with your dog, give directions to anxious owner like me, so basically she trains the people as well as the dogs. Definitely recommend!
Bára and Kari
happy dog owner

I learned about training with Helena completely by accident from the Internet. I had a new puppy girl, Fanny, and a new clicker, and I didn't really know how to put it together and not mess anything up. Because I was in my fifties, I went to the first lesson quite apprehensively. I'll be among the others a generation older, slower, and clumsier but I felt absolutely wonderful. Many dog and human trainers could learn empathy and patience from Helena. Fanny and I have been taking lessons for years. Apart from the fact that we both enjoy it and learn everything I want to, we get a huge bonus - Helena made us a team. We started to understand each other and trust each other. I felt it most when Fanny had her first puppies. She trusted me completely and completely surrendered to me, and in peace and without the hysteria of canine first-time mothers, she gave birth to one puppy after another into my outstretched hands. Perhaps I've never felt as strongly about teamwork as I did at the moment. After that, the trainings moved out of our reach and we had a forced pause, and I looked for a replacement, but without success. We are all the more pleased about the opening of the Hodný pes. I'm now in my sixties and Fanny is 7 y.o. and has become mother twice. And we're both very excited.